
Meet the Team

Virtuosica is the first all-in-one live music marketplace. Discover independent music artists, hire musicians and bands, post gig openings, create and execute contracts, process fee payments securely, enjoy live streamed performances, and much more - all in one place.

Our Team

Warren E. Peterson


Our original founder and ideas man, Warren is a Juilliard trained classical and jazz pianist, vocalist, and IT industry veteran. When he isn't working on Virtuosica, Warren is at his beloved Steinway C&A grand piano, arranging new pieces and coming up with new online solutions for musicians. 

Niki Radisic


Niki is a music aficionado who majored in theater arts, but has spent over 20 years in digital communications and tech. Raised on three continents, Niki feels most at home in multi-cultural online spaces and in her kitchen. "Nikify it" is a term frequently used at Virtuosica.

Teri Lee Hirano

VP Relationships

Teri is a seasoned land brokerage expert for the Greater Los Angeles area and independent business and management consultant. Proud of her Japanese-Hawaiian heritage and California roots, Teri is a social justice activist. If we can't think of a solution to a problem, Teri always can.

Una Barisic

Social Media Manager

Una manages our online presence and assists Virtuosica Artists in making their digital marketing and social media efforts a success. She holds a BA in Communications Studies with a specific focus on Digital Marketing and is fluent in English, Serbian, and Chat Speak.

Peter Ochieng

Customer Service Manager

Peter heads our stellar customer service team and manages our customer relations software, making sure we're always there for our users and partners. Self-driven, professional, punctual, and always in a good mood, he is also fluent in English, Kiswahili, and Hubspot.

Simonida Cirkovic

Administrative Assistant

Simonida is tasked with daily cat herding at Virtuosica, making sure all of our ducks are in a row. Luckily, she loves animals and music. A talented writer and master at organization, Simonida has a BA in Spanish Language and Literature and is fluent in English, Spanish, and Serbian. 

Erik D. Griffith

Financial Advisor

After 27 years in asset management and commercial banking, Erik retired from global finance. Within a year, he moved to southeast Europe to be with his family, started his own business, and joined Virtuosica for a taste of the other side of finance. 

Joaquin Marques

Technological Advisor

Joaquin has been proactive and busy in the tech industry for nearly 40 years, and hasn't missed a beat yet. Having worked at multiple great centers of research and development of AI, NLP, and ML, Joaquin brings a universe of knowledge to Virtuosica's efforts in advancing music tech.

Beta access

To apply for early beta access, head over to Virtuosica Mainstage.

© Virtuosica Inc. 2022